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Ch. Jade Mist Beyond Tradition ROM ROMC, one of the all-time top sires of the breed, was the sire of the ASSA National Specialty WB in 1996 and ASSA RWD in 1997, and the grandsire of ASSA RWD in 1999. He earned his ROM in 1996 and his ROMC in 1999. He is currently the sire of 39 AKC Champions, with many more nearing their titles. Dillon has tended to pass his soft, sweet expression, beautiful eye, and elegant outline, on to many of his offspring. Words cannot express how proud we are of his producing ability, and how much he is valued and dearly loved as a companion and "best friend" at JADE MIST.
Ch. Jade Mist New Sun Rising, always the fun, happy mischief maker, knows no strangers. Specialty judges appreciated his many qualities in a 14" package, and he consequently won numerous specialty Sweepstakes, RWDs, and a 4 point specialty WD. At less than three years old, he is the sire of one AKC Champion, and several other point-winning progeny. He is also the sire of CKC Champions.
Jade Mist Nevertheless, aka, "Devil-dog," is the resident prankster. A born showman, he started his career with a Runner-up to Best in Sweepstakes at his first Specialty match. He will be shown when mature.
Ch. Jade Mist Memorandum charmed his way to his championship at eleven months of age, handled by his co-breeder Julie Desy and her team. Memo is now a very welcome permanent resident at Jade Mist. He is the sire of AKC pointed progeny, and CKC Champions.
Ch. Jade Mist Play Me A Memory, co-owned with Julie Desy, finished her championship for Julie in just five shows with all Specialty wins. A true reigning princess, Chamois is the dam of two Champions, with several other promising youngsters hopefully heading for the show ring. She is also the grand-dam of a Champion.
Ch. Jade Mist Once Upon a Lifetime, dam of one near-Champion and another just starting her show career; is proving to be a good producer, just like her dam, "Cindy-Lou." Tracy easily finished her AKC Championship with 3 majors, earning many Specialty Best in Sweepstakes as a puppy. She also won a 4 point Specialty major from the 6-9 month puppy class.
Ch. Jade Mist What a Life finished his title with a 5 point Specialty win, and numerous Best In Sweepstakes. He happily spends his days with owners Mary Lois and Fred, and his Sheltie-brother Kirby. He is a full-time "couch-potato," who will learn any trick-for-a-treat! While Riley leads "the life of.........," Kirby works hard as the SHINING STAR at the Ronald McDonald House.
Ch. Jade Mist Summer's Coming also garnered many Specialty Sweepstakes wins on the way to her title. She is happily retired and lives a wonderful life with her Sheltie-sister "Miata" and their loving people-family in West Virginia.
Ch. Cataway Jade Mist S'No Illusion, though barely 13", she easily finished her championship. She rules the roost at Our Croft Shelties.
Ch. Jade Mist Happily Ever After is the dam of two champions, who both followed in her pawprints with multiple Specialty wins. Indomitable, always happy, she is now a resident couch potato and official greeter.
Ch. Jade Mist Backward Glance, is from Dillon's first litter. Our Sweet Annie finished her championship with numerous Specialty Sweeps, WB, and RWB---including a WB for 5 points, defeating nearly 90 other bitches. Now spayed, she keeps our many other couch potatoes company.
Ch. Jade Mist To Have and To Hold, is the dam of a Champion-producing Champion in her only litter. Lexus resides at Merrifield, and is Judy's shadow. She easily, and rapidly, finished her title in limited showing, with four majors.
Gone, but never forgotten...
Ch. Jade Mist All-American Dream won his first major from the 6-9 month puppy class at his very first show, going Best of Breed over many top-winning, Best-In-Show winning, Champions. He then went on to a Herding Group placement. In limited use, "Carlin" was the sire of Champions.
Ch. Jade Mist A Case in Point passed his sweet face and eye on to his progeny. Also the sire of champions, he ruled the household with his gentle nature, and was always a favorite of visitors. Ch. Jade Mist Twilight Song was from the second litter whelped at Jade Mist. Though not the first to finish, she was our first homebred Champion. Bred only twice, she produced Ch. Jade Mist Woodwind Chimes, who figures in the pedigrees of all of our present winners and top producers.
Ch. Dorlane's Scalawag, barely 14" tall, lived in the shadow of his big brother, Ch. Dorlane's King's Ransome ROM. He nevertheless managed to produce several champions though used infrequently. Especially important to us, he was the sire of our beloved "Windy:" Ch. Jade Mist Woodwind Chimes. This breeding gave us a "look-we-love" that carries down many, many generations later.
Ch. Jade Mist Special K, also the sire of Champions, finished with several majors, then went on to win an ALL-BREED BEST IN SHOW for his new owners at Our Croft Shelties.
Ch. Jade Mist Suntide and Ch. Jade Mist Windspell were littermates out of our Woodwind Chimes second litter. (She produced the dam of CH "Carlin" in her first litter.) Each has had significant influence in our pedigrees, as a "Lucky" son, bred to "Stephanie" produced the dam of our TOP PRODUCER "Dillon."
Ch. Jade Mist Inherit a Dream was easily owner-handled to his championship. This very sound and showey Sheltie won Working Group (before division into Working and Herding) placements from the classes. This feat was duplicated by his champion Grandson, Carlin.
Ch. Jade Mist Woodwind Chimes HC was the dam of four champions in her four litters. She was the great-great-great grandmother of our beautiful Annie, who was named "Backward Glance" because of her resemblance to our lovely Windy. "HC" is an ASSA "Herding Certified" title, which Windy earned at the age of 12. At the age of 13½, from the Veteran Class, she defeated numerous Best in Show winning Shelties to go Best of Breed, and on to a Herding Group placement.
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